*** 3 in the dock in bomb case | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

3 in the dock in bomb case

Three Bahrainis, accused of planting a bomb in a toilet at a fuel station in Sitra, will appear before the High Criminal Court on January 10.

The bomb was detected by an employee serving in the station when he was using the toilet. He immediately informed the police, who sent a bomb disposal squad to dismantle it. The trio were then arrested after police investigations confirmed their responsibility in planting the bomb. 

The first defendant said that his third co-defendant told him to provide an improvised explosive device to bomb the station. “I communicated with an unknown person and asked for the bomb. He accepted and the next day he sent me a picture of the location of the bomb. I went with my friend (the second defendant) and we collected it,” he said.

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