*** Shura Council set to hold first procedural session today | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Shura Council set to hold first procedural session today

TDT | Manama                                                      

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Email: mail@newsobahrain.com

The Shura Council begins today a new chapter as it holds its first procedural session of the Third Convening Period, following a royal address by His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa.

This gathering not only marks the continuation of legislative duties but also welcomes Dr Anwar Khalifa Al Sada as he takes the constitutional oath, adding a new perspective to the council.

The session will commence with the reading of the royal decree summoning both the Shura and Representatives Councils for the third regular convening period.

Subsequently, the council will address the decree appointing Dr Al Sada, who will take the oath during this first meeting.

After the royal address, the Chairman of the Shura Council is expected to deliver a speech to officially start the legislative session.

The council will then proceed to elect the first and second deputy chairpersons, in accordance with Article 6 of its internal regulations, which states that the Shura Council begins its first meeting at the start of each legislative term by electing the deputy chairpersons.

Under Article 16, the election of the deputy chairpersons will take place in the first session by an absolute majority of those present.

If this majority is not reached, a re-election will follow between the two candidates with the most votes. In the event of a tie, other candidates who received the same number of votes will join the second election.

When several candidates achieve a relative majority, the council will select among them through a draw. Nominations for the vice presidency must be submitted to the Chairman within the specified timeframe.

If only one candidate is put forward, the Chairman will declare them elected by acclamation