*** Restaurant owner jailed for drugs | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Restaurant owner jailed for drugs

TDT | Manama                                                      

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Email: mail@newsobahrain.com

A well-known restaurant owner in his sixties has been sentenced to 10 years in prison for drug-related offenses.

The High Criminal Court found the owner and three accomplices guilty, imposing a ten-year prison sentence and a fine of BD5,000 on each, along with the confiscation of seized items.

In a surprising turn of events, the court acquitted the owner’s seventy-year-old brother, who was unknowingly implicated in the drug activities.

The brother had been asked by the owner to collect cash amounts periodically, unaware that the money was linked to drug sales.

Hamad Boushalibi, representing the acquitted brother, argued that his client had no knowledge of the source of the funds he received while working at the restaurant.

The court agreed, stating that the evidence presented lacked any indication that the brother possessed or was aware of the drugs involved.

The court found the restaurant owner, who is at large, and his three accomplices guilty, imposing a ten-year prison sentence and a fine of BD5,000 on each, along with the confiscation of seized items.

The High Appeals Court has scheduled a ruling for October 28 regarding the appeals of three of the convicted individuals.