*** Asian Expat Sentenced to One Year in Prison for Arson | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Asian Expat Sentenced to One Year in Prison for Arson

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune - www.newsofbahrain.com

Email: mail@newsofbahrain.com

The High Criminal Court has sentenced an Asian expatriate to one year in prison for intentionally setting fire to a portion of another person's vehicle. In addition to the prison term, the court ordered the defendant to pay 180 Bahraini dinars in damages for the vehicle and mandated his deportation from the country upon the completion of his sentence.

According to details provided by the victim, on the day of the incident at around 5:15 AM, he was at home with his brother when they detected the smell of smoke coming from outside. 

The victim's brother went outside to investigate and discovered a fire in the rear tire of the victim's car. He quickly extinguished the flames with water. When the victim came out to assess the damage, he found that the tire was destroyed and immediately called the police and civil defense to report the incident.

Security footage revealed a person lingering around the vehicle before approaching and bending down toward the tire, from which smoke subsequently emerged. The crime scene report indicated that the fire started slowly and was concentrated at the rear of the car, specifically on the left rear tire.

While at the police station reviewing video footage of the arson, the victim identified the accused and informed the police of his location, leading to the suspect's arrest. During the public prosecution's investigation, the defendant confessed to the charge of arson.

Investigators determined that the fire was caused by intentionally introducing a burning heat source to a piece of cloth found under the tire, igniting it and resulting in the damage. The total cost of the damages was assessed at 180 dinars.