*** Bahraini Family Wins Long-fought Legal Battle to Correct Identities After 70 Years | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahraini Family Wins Long-fought Legal Battle to Correct Identities After 70 Years

TDT | Manama                                                      

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Email: mail@newsobahrain.com

A Bahraini family has finally won a decades-long legal battle to correct their identities after nearly 70 years of struggle. A ruling from the Lower Civil Court granted the family the right to amend the names and surnames of their six children and minor grandchildren.

Lawyer Khawla Al Shamsi, representing the family, explained that her clients' ancestor arrived in Bahrain from a neighbouring Gulf country approximately 70 years ago without proper documentation. He was granted Bahraini citizenship under a different name and family name than his original one.

Al Shamsi stated that after many years, the family members sought to reconnect with their relatives on their father's side, leading them to the Gulf country where their ancestor originated.

After considerable effort, they successfully identified their extended family and obtained a final court ruling in the Gulf country to amend their names and their father's name in their records. This ruling formed the basis of their subsequent case in Bahrain's Lower Civil Court, filed after their father's passing.

The court stated that the plaintiffs sought to compel the defendants (relevant government bodies) to amend their birth certificates, passports, and smart cards, and to register these changes in official records.

The case was referred to a specialised committee as per legal requirements. The committee recommended granting the plaintiffs’ request, and the court accepted this recommendation, basing its decision on the committee's well-reasoned report.

The court subsequently ruled in favour of the plaintiffs, granting their request to officially correct their identities. This victory concludes a lengthy and arduous legal process for the family, finally securing their rightful identities after decades of hardship.


Lawyer Khawla Al Shamsi

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