*** Bahraini Adventurers Return After Two Months in Yemen, Await Final Security Clearance | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahraini Adventurers Return After Two Months in Yemen, Await Final Security Clearance

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune - www.newsofbahrain.com

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After spending nearly two months held in Yemen, five Bahraini adventurers have returned home, though they are still going through the needed security steps in Bahrain.

Speaking to The Daily Tribune, MP Zainab Abdulameer confirmed their return Friday, saying the group is now completing their statements with the Ministry of Interior. She thanked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Interior, and the Bahraini Embassy in Riyadh for their hard work. ‘I’ve been following up with the authorities throughout this time,’ Abdulameer told The Daily Tribune, adding that she had met with the chargé d’affaires at the Bahraini Embassy in Riyadh to talk over the matter.

The travellers began their road trip by setting off from Bahrain to Oman, where they stayed in Salalah. From there, they lawfully crossed the Oman-Yemen border, planning to pass through Yemen on their way to Abha in Saudi Arabia. However, they were stopped at a security checkpoint in Marib, which is run by Yemen’s lawfully recognised government.

MP Jalal Kadhem said, ‘These young men set out for Saudi Arabia but were held during their journey.’ He praised the hard work of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Interior for bringing them back, noting the relief this gave their families. ‘The authorities kept in steady contact with the families, keeping them informed and reassured.’

The families of the returned travellers have since thanked MP Zainab Abdulameer and the Bahraini authorities for their work. Umm Fadel, the mother of one of the men held, shared her relief. ‘We are deeply thankful to MP Abdulameer for staying in touch with us and for her steady communication with the authorities. It gave us hope through this hard time.’ She added that the families are now eagerly waiting for their sons’ full return home once the last steps are finished.

MP Kadhem also praised the Bahraini government for helping bring the men back, saying the ongoing talks between Bahrain and Yemen’s lawful government were key in ending the matter. ‘Their safe return is the outcome of good diplomatic work,’ he told The Daily Tribune.

The men will be reunited with their families once they finish the last steps. What began as a fun road trip took an unexpected turn when they found themselves caught in a legal snare while passing through Yemen.