*** MPs unite to defend Bahrain’s Arab roots | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

MPs unite to defend Bahrain’s Arab roots

TDT | Manama                                                      

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Email: mail@newsobahrain.com

A senior Iranian official’s recent assertion that Bahrain is not an Arab nation has sparked a storm of outrage in the Kingdom.

Members of the Council of Representatives staunchly defended Bahrain’s Arab heritage, condemning the remarks by Kamal Kharazi, President of the Strategic Council on Foreign Relations, as a reckless attempt to distort history and interfere in Bahrain’s internal affairs.

They highlighted Bahrain’s centuries-old Arab roots, the UN-supervised referendum affirming its Arab status, and the Kingdom’s establishment as an Arab Islamic state in 1783.

This exchange threatens to heighten tensions in the Gulf and may complicate ongoing efforts to improve relations between the two nations.

“These are blatant falsehoods meant to cause division,” said MP Ahmed Al Salloom, expressing the shared sentiments of his colleagues.


Several MPs expressed their anger at Kharazi’s statements, accusing him of attempting to distract from Iran’s internal issues.

MP Dr Maryam Al Dhaen, Deputy Chair of the Foreign Affairs, Defence, and National Security Committee, criticised the remarks as an unacceptable breach of international norms and an unwarranted interference in Bahrain’s affairs.

She called on both regional and international bodies to respond strongly, warning that such provocations could have serious repercussions in the already fragile Gulf region. MP Khalid Saleh Buanaq reminded Iran that Bahrain has always been Arab, citing the overwhelming result of the 1970 Bahraini independence survey that reaffirmed the Kingdom’s position in the Arab world.

He also referenced the Kingdom’s founding under Ahmed Al Fateh in 1783 as further proof of its long-standing Arab identity. Kharazi’s claims, he said, were simply an attempt to shift attention from Iran’s domestic troubles.

Other MPs echoed these sentiments.

MP Jaleela Alawi remarked that Tehran’s comments would only serve to strengthen national unity, while MP Mohammed Jannahi commended Bahrain’s enduring peace and stability in the face of external interference.

MP Jamil Mulla Hassan accused Iran of seeking to deflect attention from its internal challenges, urging Gulf and Arab nations to adopt a unified response to such provocations. He reiterated that Bahrain’s Arab identity was undeniable.

MPs Mohammed Yousef Al Marafi, Hassan Eid Boukhamas, Hisham Abdulaziz Al Awadhi, and Hassan Ibrahim Hassan also condemned Kharazi’s comments, reaffirming Bahrain’s Arab heritage and calling for respect for the nation’s sovereignty.

Unity urged

They stressed the need for the international community to stand by Bahrain and reject any attempts to stir up discord in the region.

As relations between Bahrain and Iran remain tense, the Council of Representatives remains united in rejecting what it sees as Tehran’s efforts to undermine the Kingdom’s position in the Arab world.

The MPs urged collective action to prevent further interference and maintain regional stability