*** Bahrain Opens Door to Full Foreign Business Ownership | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain Opens Door to Full Foreign Business Ownership

TDT | Manama                                                      

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Email: mail@newsobahrain.com

Bahrain has acted to draw in global businesses by allowing foreign companies full control in certain areas. This shift, brought forward by the HRH Prime Minister, scraps the limits set in 2021, making it easier for international firms to invest, particularly in fields like authorised sales and high-end goods.

As stated in the official gazette, foreign-run businesses can now sell certain goods in Bahrain without needing a local partner. In some cases, foreign firms can fully own their business if they operate in at least ten countries or earn more than 750 million euros in yearly income. Those handling valuable goods will still need special government approval.

This move is meant to make Bahrain a more tempting place for foreign investment. Companies already operating under the old rules can keep going without a Bahraini partner, ensuring steady ties for current partnerships.

To qualify for the new terms, businesses must meet certain thresholds, such as investing at least 100,000 Bahraini dinars. However, authorised sellers already working under the old setup won’t be affected unless they choose to sell new goods.

The decision, brought by the Minister of Industry and Commerce and backed by Deputy Prime Minister Khalid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa, is part of Bahrain’s larger drive to welcome more foreign investment. The rule was issued on 17 October 2024 and will be enforced soon.y