*** Bahraini Charity Officials Fined for Unauthorised Fundraising | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahraini Charity Officials Fined for Unauthorised Fundraising

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune - www.newsofbahrain.com

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The Lower Criminal Court has fined two women, a former charity president and treasurer, BD 100 each for unauthorised fundraising.  The court also ordered the confiscation of BD 26,062, the amount raised illegally.

The Public Prosecution charged the two women with collecting funds for general purposes without obtaining the necessary license in 2022, violating the provisions of Decree-Law No. (21) of 2013 concerning the regulation of fundraising for public purposes and its executive regulations No. (47) of 2014.

The case originated from a report filed by the Minister of Social Development to the Public Prosecutor. The ministry's Civil Organisations Support Department detected the illegal fundraising activity, a clear violation of the aforementioned laws. As per the case records, the defendants raised the funds to finance organising a conference. 

The former president of the charity claimed she did not directly receive the BD 26,062.  She stated that the money was deposited into the account of a company organising a conference, based on an agreement between the charity and the company.  

She presented invoices showing BD 15,000 was paid to the conference venue, and that the remaining balance was transferred to the organising company.  A contract with the organising company, valued at BD 17,000, was also submitted, indicating that only BD 11,000 had been paid, with the remaining amount still owed.

The court's decision concludes the case, with the fines and confiscation of the illegally raised funds serving as penalties for the violation of fundraising regulations.

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