*** Wife's Divorce Plea Rejected: Court Sides with Husband Despite Abuse Allegations | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Wife's Divorce Plea Rejected: Court Sides with Husband Despite Abuse Allegations

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune - www.newsofbahrain.com

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A Bahraini woman's attempt to secure a divorce on grounds of harm has been rejected by the High Appeals Court, upholding a lower court's ruling in favour of her husband.  The wife had accused her husband of threats, defamation, and eviction from their marital home, further alleging accusations of infidelity with a work colleague.  However, witness testimonies presented to the court painted a different picture.

The case, detailed by lawyer Abdulatheem Hubail, began when the wife filed for divorce, citing harm inflicted upon her.  Her husband countersued, demanding her return to the marital home and obedience.  The lower court dismissed the wife's divorce petition and ordered her to return to her husband, emphasising the importance of marital obedience and prohibiting her from leaving the home without his permission.

Unsatisfied with the lower court's decision, the wife appealed, requesting an investigation to substantiate her claims of defamation and damage to her reputation.  In her defense, she reiterated her husband's alleged mistreatment, including physical and verbal abuse, accusations of infidelity, and eviction.  

The husband's lawyer countered these claims, arguing that the conflict stemmed primarily between his client's mother and his wife, not between the husband and wife themselves. He stated that his client had only contacted the wife's father to inform him of her verbal abuse towards his mother and insisted that he had never accused his wife of infidelity or any other wrongdoing.  He offered to take an oath to this effect.

The appeal court, before reaching a verdict, ordered an investigation to allow both parties to present evidence supporting their claims.  Witnesses for the wife testified to her eviction and the husband's provision of monthly financial support, but denied hearing him verbally abuse or threaten her. They even stated the husband attempted reconciliation without any success.

Conversely, witnesses for the husband testified to his love and respect for his wife, citing instances of financial support, including a 6,000 Bahraini dinar loan for her university studies and payment for several medical procedures.  

They also pointed out that he had never accused her of infidelity, theft, or evicted her; rather, she had left the marital home of her own accord, prompting him to pursue her return. They added that she had blocked his contact information.

After a thorough review of the evidence, the High Appeals Court dismissed the wife's appeal, upholding the lower court's ruling.  The wife is now legally obligated to return to the marital home and obey her husband.