*** Woman deported after embezzling husband’s wishes. rent from four apartments | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Woman deported after embezzling husband’s wishes. rent from four apartments

TDT | Manama                                                      

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Email: mail@newsobahrain.com

The Cassation Court has confirmed the conviction and deportation of a woman in her sixties for embezzling rent payments from four apartments she managed.

The woman, who held power of attorney for the properties, was found guilty of misappropriating funds that had been entrusted to her.

The case emerged in 2023, revealing that the woman had been responsible for collecting rent for four apartments owned by a Bahraini citizen.

She had been granted power of attorney in 2018 to oversee rent collection.

However, investigations uncovered that she had diverted the rent money for her personal use from 2018 to 2023, failing to remit any payments to the owner.

Additionally, she neglected to pay service charges, including electricity and water, for three of the apartments and illegally occupied the fourth unit without paying rent or obtaining permission.

In her defence, the woman claimed she had managed the properties responsibly and had remitted rent from three of the apartments.

She asserted that she lived in the fourth with the owner’s consent.

Her defence team also attributed any financial discrepancies to the economic downturn resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, which they argued had significantly affected the rental market, particularly in high-cost areas.

The defence further questioned the plausibility of the alleged embezzled amount of 23,000 Bahraini dinars, suggesting that the owner had been aware of the situation and failed to take action over the five-year period.

They also emphasized the woman’s advanced age and clean criminal record as mitigating factors.

Despite these arguments, the court upheld the embezzlement conviction.