*** Wife must return home as appeal for divorce is denied | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Wife must return home as appeal for divorce is denied

TDT | Manama                                                      

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Email: ashen@newsobahrain.com

In a significant ruling, the High Appeals Court has rejected a Bahraini woman’s appeal for divorce on the grounds of harm, reaffirming a lower court’s decision in favour of her husband. The case revolved around the wife’s accusations against her husband, alleging threats, defamation, and her forced eviction from their marital home.

She further claimed that he had accused her of infidelity with a colleague at work. However, testimony provided during the proceedings painted a different narrative.

According to lawyer Abdulatheem Hubail, the lower court had previously mandated the wife to return to her husband, highlighting the importance of marital obedience and prohibiting her from leaving the home without his consent.

Dissatisfied with the ruling, the wife filed an appeal, reiterating her claims of mistreatment, including physical and verbal abuse, allegations of infidelity, and eviction.

In response, the husband’s legal representative argued that the underlying conflict primarily involved the husband’s mother and not the couple themselves. He contended that his client had merely informed the wife’s father about her verbal abuse towards his mother and denied ever accusing her of infidelity or wrongdoing.

The appeals court ordered an investigation into the matter. During the proceedings, witnesses for the wife testified about her eviction and acknowledged that her husband provided her with monthly financial support. However, they denied having witnessed any verbal abuse or threats from him, mentioning that he had attempted reconciliation, albeit unsuccessfully.

Conversely, witnesses for the husband described him as loving and respectful, citing specific instances of financial support, including a loan of 6,000 Bahraini dinars for the wife’s university studies and coverage for several medical procedures.

They also stated that the husband had never accused her of infidelity or theft; rather, she had left the marital home voluntarily, prompting him to seek her return. Some witnesses noted that she had blocked his contact information.

After carefully reviewing all evidence, the High Appeals Court ultimately dismissed the wife’s appeal, upholding the lower court’s ruling. Consequently, the wife is now legally obligated to return to the marital home and comply with her husband’s wishes.