*** Trump’s remarks against Muslims draw MPs’ flak | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Trump’s remarks against Muslims draw MPs’ flak

Taking a dig at US Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump’s anti-Muslim remarks, MP and Head of Child and Woman Committee in Parliament Roua Bader Al Hayki said California attack was the personal act of two individuals and not that of the whole Muslim nations. “People like Mr. Trump should avoid giving generalised statements,” she suggested. 

Donald Trump, in the wake of California attacks, had made a controversial statement that entry of all the Muslims to American soil should be banned. 

Ms. Roua said that it would be quite unfair and unjust to punish the whole nations because of the personal act of two persons. “Islam is the religion of peace and the way we were raised has taught us that it is about doing the right things only.” 

“Mr Trump is a businessman, not a politician and he does not understand the delicacies of the politics and his statement is a clear proof of it,” she commented. “His statement has no logic, sense and is even against all the rules of scientific approach.” 

Meanwhile, Shura Member and Head of Woman and Child Affairs Committee, Shura Council Hala Ramzy Fayez told DT News that discrimination on the basis of religion was inappropriate and totally unacceptable. “This is a very discriminated and narrow minded way of thinking and tackling the problem.” 

She said Trump had missed the main problem and cause of the California attack, which is terrorism. 

“What about the American Muslims? Can you stop them from entering America too?” she queried. “Where is Human Rights aspect in this suggestion?”

Ms Ramzey said that she strongly condemned such a provoking statement and the American leaders should think before making such statements.




Photo Caption: Roua Bader Al Hayki and Hala Ramzy Fayez