*** 178 abandoned and for-sale vehicles removed after warnings ignored | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

178 abandoned and for-sale vehicles removed after warnings ignored

TDT | Manama

Email: mail@newsofbahrain.com

The Southern Municipality has launched a major cleanup operation, removing 178 abandoned and for-sale vehicles from neighbourhoods across the southern region after several warnings were met with ignorance.

This action, taken to ensure road safety and maintain the aesthetic appeal of public spaces, may result in fines of up to BD300 for vehicle owners.

It was carried out in collaboration with the Southern Municipal Council.

Despite the high number of the removed vehicles, a councillor revealed that this is just the tip of the iceberg.


“The recent removal of abandoned vehicles only scratches the surface of the problem,” Southern Governorate Municipal Council member Mohammed Al Daraj told The Daily Tribune.

He revealed that this number represents just 10% of the total, adding that a plan is underway to remove 6-7 vehicles daily.

“We hope the authorities will stick to the schedule to finally resolve this issue,” Al Daraj stated.


On the other hand, Al Daraj opposed the current BD110 fine imposed on those violating current laws governing abandoned vehicles.

“It’s pricey and legislators must look into this,” he pointed out.

The vehicles in question were left behind by their owners and were removed following a legal notification period as stipulated by the Public Cleanliness Law, issued under Decree No. 10 of 2019. Offenders may face fines of up to BD300 for non-compliance.

Article 7 of the Public Cleanliness Law explicitly prohibits vehicle owners from abandoning their vehicles or any form of scrap materials in streets, on sidewalks, or within public squares, beaches, and other communal areas.

The law mandates authorities to issue warnings to owners of such vehicles, requiring them to remove their property within a specified timeframe.

Markers indicating the commencement of the warning period are placed on the vehicles, signaling the enforcement process.

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