*** MPs Push for Proposal Guaranteeing Pensions for Temporary Doctors | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

MPs Push for Proposal Guaranteeing Pensions for Temporary Doctors

TDT | Manama
Email : editor@newsofbahrain.com

Doctors on temporary contracts could be excluded from pension benefits, with gaps in oversight leaving them short-changed.

Parliament is now set to address the issue, as MPs push for tighter rules to ensure pension contributions are properly collected and service years are counted.

The proposal calls for the Social Insurance Organisation (SIO) to take action on how pension contributions are handled for workers on temporary contracts across both the public and private sectors. It also aims to ensure that Bahraini doctors employed on short-term contracts at the Ministry of Health aren’t overlooked when it comes to having their working years recognised.

Temporary Contracts

Originally put forward by MP Ahmed Sabah Al Salloom, the proposal was first aimed at doctors but was later expanded to cover all insured employees on temporary contracts.

Supporters argue that it’s only fair that workers who dedicate their time aren’t left struggling when they reach the end of their careers. Ensuring their service years are counted would provide them and their families with a steady foundation, helping them access the end-of-service benefits they deserve.

The Civil Service Bureau, asked for its opinion on the matter, referred to existing rules allowing government jobs to be filled through permanent, temporary, or part-time contracts.

Law Change

It also noted that a 2018 law change ensured temporary government employees now have the same pension rights as their permanent colleagues. The Ministry of Health added that doctors on temporary contracts in public hospitals already have their service years recognised while completing their training.