*** Guard trusted to protect car, but accused of theft | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Guard trusted to protect car, but accused of theft

TDT | Manama

Email: mail@newsofbahrain.com

A 55-year-old security guard robbed car engines and other parts that he was supposed to protect from theft, the High Criminal Court heard.

The defendant yesterday appeared before the High Criminal Court which adjourned the case until February 11, 2025 to deliver its verdict.

The equipment, valued at BD1,735, was prepared by instructors in the school’s automotive department for the 2024/2025, and had been stored in the department’s courtyard.

The accused security guard was responsible for guarding the items throughout the July and August break.


Surveillance camera footage implicated the security guard, and during questioning, the accused confessed, “I took several items and sold them to a local scrap shop.”

The scrap shop owner, meanwhile, stated, “I received the items, but I had no idea they were stolen.’”

The Public Prosecutor has charged the defendant, who is employed by the Ministry of Education as a school security guard, with embezzling funds, equipment, and tools that were in his possession.

The charges include the theft of 11 car engines, four transmissions, four engine heads, 12 rear axles, and eight rear differentials, valued at BD1,735, all belonging to the school.

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