*** Parliament supports housing service offices in governorates | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Parliament supports housing service offices in governorates

TDT | Manama

Email: mail@newsofbahrain.com

Parliament yesterday approved a proposal to set up housing review offices across Bahrain’s governorates, aiming to cut down the queues and long waits at the Housing Ministry’s main service hall.

MP Maryam Al Dhaen, who put the idea forward, said the current system forces applicants to trek across the country, pack into one crowded office, and waste time on a process that should be far simpler.

“Reaching the ministry is a hassle for many, whether because of traffic, the parking nightmare in the Diplomatic Area, or personal circumstances,” she said. “Setting up offices in the governorates would make things easier and speed up the process.”

She also pointed out that the move fits with government plans to spread services more evenly and improve access.

“People shouldn’t have to travel halfway across Bahrain just to check on their housing applications. Local offices would cut down on wasted trips and let people get the answers they need closer to home.”