*** Ramadan’s full moon eclipse casts crimson glow over the Kingdom | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Ramadan’s full moon eclipse casts crimson glow over the Kingdom

TDT | Manama

Email: mail@newsofbahrain.com

A rare cosmic spectacle unfolded ye st e rd ay a s a total lunar eclipse coincided with Ramadan’s full moon, casting a deep crimson hue over Bahrain’s night sky.

Astronomy researcher Mohammed Redha Al Asfoor explained that skywatchers across North America, Central America, western South America, and parts of Antarctica were treated to the full sequence—from the Moon slipping into Earth's shadow to its transformation into a striking red before fading back into the night.

Elsewhere, observers in western Europe, Africa, and eastern South America caught the early phases before the Moon set, while those in East Asia and eastern Oceania witnessed the eclipse as the Moon rose.

For the Gulf states, however, timing was less favourable. The Moon reached peak fullness at 9:54 AM Bahrain time, well after daylight had erased any chance of viewing the celestial event.