*** Man jailed for snatching cash and dragging Asian worker victim with car | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Man jailed for snatching cash and dragging Asian worker victim with car

TDT | Manama

Email: mail@newsofbahrain.com

A man who snatched cash from a passer-by under the pretence of needing change before speeding off, dragging his victim with him, has lost his appeal against a three-year prison sentence and will be deported after serving time.

The High Criminal Appeals Court upheld the ruling against the defendant, a man in his fifties, after he was convicted of robbery by force.

The incident unfolded on a street where the man approached an Asian worker and asked if he could break a BD10 note, offering to pay a little extra for the favour.

The victim, unsuspecting, took out his wallet and handed over BD8.5 — only for the man to grab the cash and the wallet before leaping into his car and taking off.


The victim, refusing to let him get away so easily, clung to the vehicle in an attempt to stop him.

But the driver did not slow down. He kept going until the victim lost his grip and tumbled onto the road.

Prosecutors accused the man of theft by coercion, arguing that he had seized the money and wallet from the victim’s hands and fled, determined to hold onto his takings despite the victim’s struggle to stop him.

Security footage

Patrol officers arrived at the scene and combed through security footage from a nearby home.

A camera had caught a glimpse of the thief ’s car and its registration plate.

The search led investigators to an alarming discovery — the vehicle had been reported stolen.

Lead With that lead, security forces worked to track down the driver. The victim was later shown a photograph of the suspect and immediately picked him out as the thief. The man was arrested and taken into custody.