*** Shura Council set to vote on letting Bahraini fishermen train relatives at sea | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Shura Council set to vote on letting Bahraini fishermen train relatives at sea

TDT | Manama

Email: mail@newsofbahrain.com

A parliament-approved amendment allowing Bahraini fishermen to train apprentices at sea is up for a final vote in the Shura Council on Sunday.

The change to Decree-Law No. 20 of 2002 would permit captains to bring up to three Bahraini relatives on board for hands-on training in commercial fishing.

The plan aims to keep the trade going, pass on skills, and encourage more Bahrainis to take it up.

Wording adjustment

The proposal, initially put forward by Parliament, also includes a wording adjustment to replace “State of Bahrain” with “Kingdom of Bahrain” in official documents, ensuring consistency with the Constitution and the National Action Charter.

Parliament approved the bill last month after a debate on its effect and feasibility.

Fishermen’s associations warned that existing restrictions had already made the trade more reliant on expat crews, while more locals turned to hobby fishing, with around 12,000 now registered as amateurs.


MPs backing the bill argued that full-time Bahraini fishermen should not be held back when hobbyists can take people out to sea with little fuss.

They also said Bahrainis in the trade should receive financial backing, including access to Tamkeen support like other businesses.

Shura’s Public Utilities and Environment Committee has reviewed the bill, considering amendments made by Parliament and feedback from the Legislative and Legal Affairs Committee and other relevant bodies.


Legal experts raised no issues with its wording or compatibility with existing laws.

After some discussion, committee members agreed on further refinements.

Concerns have been raised about whether the bill aligns with current regulations.

Legal amendment

The government, in a paper attached to the proposal, questioned the need for a legal amendment, pointing out that Ministerial Resolution No. 322 of 2021 and Administrative Resolution No. 2 of 2022 already allow Bahraini fishermen to bring local apprentices aboard.

These regulations, it argued, offer more flexibility than a fixed law and can be adjusted as needed.

The Supreme Council for Environment echoed these concerns, referring to its own Resolution No. 4 of 2025, which governs commercial fishing licences.

Existing rules

It argued that the bill’s objectives — training new entrants and encouraging locals into the trade — are already addressed under existing rules.

There was also concern that its wording might not sit well with other laws governing the sector.

The Public Utilities and Environment Committee, while mindful of these points, saw value in the proposal.

Legal complications

To avoid legal complications, it suggested adding a new clause — Article 3 bis — instead of altering the existing Article 3.

This would allow a Bahraini captain, with approval from the employer and relevant bodies, to take one Bahraini trainee on board for up to six months.

