*** ----> Need for ties urged | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Need for ties urged

Prime Minister HRH Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa has called for concerted efforts to bring about a quantum leap in cooperation among Asian countries amid the current global security and economic challenges. Prince Khalifa also stressed that cooperation at the bilateral level supports efforts to set up economic partnerships that enhance development across Asia. 

HRH Premier was speaking in a meeting with Bangladeshi Foreign Minister Abul Hassan Mahmood Ali at Gudaibiya Palace yesterday. HRH the Prime Minister praised the advanced level of the Bahraini-Bangladeshi relations, progressing steadily thanks to the two countries’ keenness on ramping up them.

In the meeting, HRH Premier underscored Bahrain’s keenness on advancing cooperation with Bangladesh to cover more fields, increase trade exchange and hold joint exhibitions, lauding the role played by the Bengali community in the Kingdom’s development projects. 

Prince Khalifa highlighted the importance of the agreements and memoranda of understanding (MoU) signed between the two countries in opening up wider horizons of trade and economic cooperation on various issues.

The Bengali Minister reiterated his country’s keenness on enhancing cooperation with the Kingdom of Bahrain.