*** WPH, AmCham discuss expansion plan with Industry Minister | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

WPH, AmCham discuss expansion plan with Industry Minister

WestPoint Home LLC (WPH), with the American Chamber of Commerce Bahrain (AmCham), met Minister of Industry, Commerce and Tourism Zayed Rashid Alzayani to discuss further investment in the Kingdom of Bahrain and how WPH would mitigate the impact of the potential expiration of the Tariff Preference Level (TPL) that allows duty free access on textile exports from Bahrain to the US.

WestPoint Home announced it would begin the third expansion of its spinning capacity at its Bahrain Manufacturing Complex.

“Spinning more yarn in Bahrain will decrease lead times, increase flexibility and will, along with other initiatives help mitigate the impact of the anticipated TPL expiration mid 2016 and will allow the company to continue to import Bahrain manufactured textile product into the USA duty free,” according to Normand Savaria, President and CEO.

“The support that we have been provided from various Ministries of the Bahraini Government as we conduct our business activities and implement these expansion projects and hire and train both foreign and local employees has given us the confidence to continue to build our manufacturing base in Bahrain and increase our imports to the US by 15 per cent just last year. We look forward to our future in Bahrain, “ Savaria added.

The company will have invested over $25m dollars in expanding capacity, capabilities and environmental projects over the past three years including additional weaving, the spinning projects, expansion of manual and automatic sewing and embroidery capacity at the conclusion of this
project. WPH celebrated 202 years of textile manufacturing in 2015.

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