*** Information Minister: Human resources pillar of development | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Information Minister: Human resources pillar of development

 Information and Parliament Affairs Minister Isa bin Abdulrahman Al-Hammadi stressed that developing the national human resources and optimising services for them is one of the government's top priorities. He described the national workforce as the pillar of comprehensive development, democratic progress and urban growth.


Al-Hammadi was speaking as he honoured today a number of employees at the Information and Parliament Affairs Ministry on the occasion of their retirement or end of their contracts. He thanked them for their dedication in serving the nation and performing their duties, wishing them every success in their life. He underlined unwavering commitment to grooming the national workforce and equipping them with the needed media, technical and administrative skills to help them keep abreast of modern technologies and serve the ministry's goals on the basis of creativity and competitiveness. He also pointed out the importance of cooperation between the executive and legislative branches in boosting the parliamentary and democratic process.

Information Minister: Human resources pillar of development


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