*** Panel approves proposals for tough penalties on terror support | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Panel approves proposals for tough penalties on terror support

A Parliamentary committee yesterday approved toughening penalties on the acts of “justifying and glorifying” terrorism.

In their weekly meeting, Foreign Affairs, Defence and National Security Committee members passed several proposals and amendments to the existing Penal Code of the country, toughening multiple punishments that are related to terrorism. The committee agreed to amend Article 11 of Law 58 of the Year 2006 in regards to protecting the society from terrorism. 

The amendments come to harden the penalties on the acts of glorifying, favouring, justifying and encouraging terrorism, in addition to the crimes of possessing and distributing prints or recordings that support the same. 

Committee Deputy Chairman MP Mohammed Al Jowder added that the amendments also sought criminalising all sorts incitement on terrorism.

The amendments were approved after reviewing them with the concerned authorities.

During the meeting, committee members also discussed combating immoral activities in the society and the proposal of deporting and banning any expat, who was involved in vice cases.

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