*** Blast suspects get life imprisonment | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Blast suspects get life imprisonment

The High Criminal Court has handed down life sentences to three persons accused in connection with a blast in Dair on December 29 two years ago. 

The trio allegedly targeted to murder police officers, for which they made firebombs. 

The accused along with unidentified rioters reportedly planted the bomb and then held demonstrations in the area to lure police officers. They attacked the officers with the petrol bombs before fleeing the scene. 

First Lieutenant Yousif Al Kooheji, who was heading the group of the security forces, reportedly spotted the bomb and withdrew the troops from the area. Explosives experts were then called to dismantle it. 

However, the bomb was eventually detonated and its explosion caused BD190 worth of damage to a nearby cold store, according to court files. The identities of the accused were revealed during police investigations, and the third accused told prosecutors that they made the bomb using black powder. 

He said that more than 40 masked rioters participated in the event. The defendants had been charged with attempted murder and possessing explosives. 

The evidences against them included technical proofs and witnesses’ statements, according to court files.

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