*** Competency of cops hailed | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Competency of cops hailed

Interior Minister Lt-General Shaikh Rashid bin Abdulla Al Khalifa has hailed the sacrifices and competency of police personnel that are appreciated by all to protect security and enforce the law. Speaking at the graduation ceremony of a course at the Special Security Force yesterday, Shaikh Rashid reminded the graduates that their security responsibility was a national duty, and urged them to be dedicated and sincere in fulfilling their duties to protect the hard-won national accomplishments attained during the prosperous era of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa.

The Interior Minister then honoured the top graduates and congratulated them on the good results that will reflect on their performance. He wished them all the best in serving the nation. 

The Special Security Forces Commander delivered a statement in which he welcomed the Interior Minister, and highlighted the course training programmes that included fighting skills, different types of shooting and fighting violence.

The graduates demonstrated the skills they learned during the course that showed their high competency and efficiency. Earlier, Shaikh Rashid was welcomed by the Chief of Public Security and Commander of the Special Security Forces.