*** E-cigarette sellers to face stricter action | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

E-cigarette sellers to face stricter action

Tougher measures will be taken against sellers of electronic cigarettes in Bahrain, especially those who utilise social media networks to promote their products.

The Health Ministry announced in a press statement yesterday that it had decided to refer sellers and promoters of electronic cigarettes to the concerned security authorities.

“Considering the noticeable increase of accounts on Instagram selling these products, the ministry has decided to report the violators to the General Directorate of Anti-corruption and Economic and Electronic Security in Interior Ministry. This step will reveal the identities of the people using the accounts so they could be referred to the Public Prosecution,” Health Ministry Anti-smoking Committee Vice President Mariam Janahi warned.

Janahi reiterated, “The ministry is continuing its endeavours to protect the society from tobacco addiction, hence combat all tobacco products including electronic cigarettes, which contains nicotine and other chemical ingredients that are harmful to the public.”

“We are committed to the agreements the country signed with the World Health Organisation to combat tobacco products, as well as the resolutions of GCC Health Ministers and local legislations that bans advertising, promoting and selling electronic cigarettes,” she added. Meanwhile, Janahi called upon the public to report any related violations to the committee’s hotline on 66399755.

Article 11 of Law 8 of the Year 2009 and Industry and Commerce Minister’s Decision 38 for the Year 2013 bans the import, trade, distribution or sale of electronic cigarettes. Violators could be subjected to BD3000 penalty. A few cases of people selling electronic cigarettes online were referred to the concerned security authorities and were penalised.