*** Car owners consider other options | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Car owners consider other options

SUV owners and owners of cars that are high on petrol consumption are dithered over whether to keep their vehicles or sell them. According to them, with the revised prices for petrol, they would be forced to trade their cars for fuel efficient ones in order to reduce their living expenditure. 

Cabinet approved an amended price of petrol sales, as part of Bahrain’s comprehensive economic and fiscal reform programme. The decision follows recommendations from the Executive Committee, as outlined in a memorandum submitted to Cabinet by the National Oil and Gas Authority (NOGA). 

The price of premium petrol, 95 Octane, will be set at 160 fills per litre, and the price of 91 octane will be set at 125 fills per litre. 

“When I bought my car, I had my own calculations of how much it would cost me in a month. I was able to afford it but with the increase in prices, it will be difficult, “ said Ebrahim, who has waiting in line to refuel his SUV vehicle at a petrol station in Muharraq. 

Another Bahraini, Saif commented: “I own a small business and I drive a lot for my work. I am sure I am going to spend a huge amount on petrol by the end of this month.”

According to Gulf Sea Cars Manager Thomas Jain, the sale of SUVs may reduce. 

“People avoid buying expensive cars. They do not want to spend due to the economic situation. With the rise in petrol prices, the sale of SUV cars and other cars with high petrol consumption will take a further hit,” he opined.

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