
Bahraini lawmakers have expressed their displeasure over the sudden decision of the government to hike gasoline prices. During the weekly meeting at the Parliament House in Gudaibiya yesterday, Council of Representatives Speaker Ahmed bin Ibrahim Al Mulla delayed the session for almost an hour, as MPs were busy holding side meetings on the matter. 

However, the MPs discussions suggested suspending the parliament sessions or cease cooperation with the government, but the result was allowing MPs to separately use their constitutional powers in this regard. 

As per an urgent request of MP Jamal Dawood, MPs held an unscheduled discussion on the government’s decision, allowing 10 MPs to speak.

Dawood said, “The decision came without any introductions and will make the poor poorer. We will not stand idly and we will use all of our constitutional jurisdictions to question the concerned Ministers.”

MP Mohammed Al Ammadi threatened to resign from the council and also demanded a collective resignation of MPs. 

MP Jameela Al Sammak remarked, “The government didn’t consult us before taking this decision.”

MP Ahmed Qarata pointed out, “If we can’t defend the rights of the people of Bahrain, this council is of no good.”

The remaining statements were not devoid of harsh criticism and total rejection of the government’s policies by MPs like Nabeel Al Balooshi, Mohammed Al Ahmed and Mohammed Al Maarifi.

The Parliament session was concluded early and immediately followed by a press statement that rejected the government’s decision. The statement demanded that the government must withdraw its decision until a consensus is reached with the representatives.

As reported yesterday, the Cabinet approved an amended price of gasoline following a recommendation submitted by the National Oil and Gas Authority (NOGA).

The decision stipulated that gasoline prices should be at 60 fils/litre for the 95 Octane (Mutes) and 125 fils/litre for the 91 Octane (Jayyid), effective on January 12.