*** Political Society's secretary general' trial to resume on March 30 | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Political Society's secretary general' trial to resume on March 30

Bahrain’s Advocate General Haroon Al Zayani has announced that the appeal hearing of the secretary general of one of Bahrain’s political societies resumed today, following a conviction of inciting non-compliance with the law, publicly inciting hatred – an act which had disturbed public peace – and insulting a statutory body.

The defendant was convicted of the charges following investigations into recordings of public speeches and sermons that promoted extremist views, incited violence, and encouraged the use of force against the Kingdom’s authorities.

In addition to the defendant’s appeal case, the Public Prosecution has appealed the court’s decision to acquit the defendant of the charge of promoting political change using forceful means and threats. The Public Prosecution has also appealed the length of the sentences, as it does not feel the sentences reflect the seriousness of the offences.

During the hearing, the Public Prosecution’s representative, Advocate General Osama Aloufi, refuted the defence team’s claims that the Public Prosecution’s case is of a political nature, as the charges are related to specific criminal offences, as set out in Bahrain’s penal code. Aloufi also rebutted the defendant’s attempts to undermine the Kingdom’s political system, and made clear that Bahrain’s political system is that of a constitutional monarchy.

The defendant was present with his legal team throughout today’s hearing and will continue to be afforded full legal rights. The Appeal Court set the date of the next appeal session to March 30.