*** ----> Re-trial of terror suspects on Feb 28 | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Re-trial of terror suspects on Feb 28

Prosecution witnesses will be heard on February 28 in the re-trial of ten men convicted in connection with a terrorist group, namely Jaish Al Imam (Imam Army). 

Four of the defendants were earlier sentenced to life each, while their co-defendants were given 15 years behind bars each. But the Bahrain’s highest court - the Cassation Court - ordered for a re-trial for them after the defendants lost their appeals. Their case is being heard at an appeals court also. 

Among those given life imprisonment are two fugitives. 

All the men implicated in this case were accused of establishing and leading the Jaish Al Imam terrorist cell with the intention of arming and training its members to carry out acts of terrorism.

The cell allegedly planned to attack the Interior Ministry, Bahrain International Airport, Bahrain’s Formula One circuit, the US Navy base in Juffair, the BDF, Shaikh Isa Air Base and other vital sites. 

The defendants’ list also includes a lawyer, a businessman and a policeman. 

The terror cell was reportedly waiting for instructions from Iran for a “zero hour” to carry out massive attacks in Bahrain using light and medium weapons and homemade explosives. 

The terror cell was allegedly run from Iran by Abu Nasser, a member of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, who injected $80,000 (BD30,160) into the group.

Its members were trained in camps operated by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard in Iran, in addition to sites belonging to Hezbollah in Karbala and Baghdad. The defendants reportedly used secret codes to communicate with the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, according to court documents. Five of the defendants were arrested in Oman and handed over to Bahraini authorities.