*** ----> Drug case: Jail term of two upheld | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Drug case: Jail term of two upheld

The Supreme Appeals Court has upheld the jail term of two defendants implicated in a drug case. 

The first defendant, a Pakistani national, was handed down 10 years behind bars on ground of drug peddling, while his Bahraini co-defendant was handed down only one year for consumption of the same.  It was the second defendant who was initially arrested in this case after a cop spotted him in an ‘abnormal’ condition in Muharraq. The police officer asked him if he had any illicit items with him, and the defendant gave him a heroine cigarette as well as drug injections. The defendant, who was arrested, later told police officers that he was getting the drugs from a Pakistani man, according to court files. 

He is said to have participated in a sting operation, where he lured the Pakistani man into selling the illicit drugs to him while police officers were surveying them.  Six narcotic capsules were seized from him. The defendant had also failed a drug test, and he was also held guilty of consumption. He was fined BD5000 and was ordered to be deported from Bahrain when he finishes his jail time.