*** ----> Bahraini sentenced for escaping from police | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahraini sentenced for escaping from police

 Bahraini man has been sentenced to six months behind bars for fleeing from a police patrol. The defendant was arrested in connection with verbally assaulting his divorcee’s husband. 

Later, he was presented before a remand judge, who gave orders to keep him in detention. 

He, however, tried to escape from a police patrol that was transporting him after the conclusion of his court hearing.

 “He requested us to open the windows of the car as he faced  difficulty to breath. But as the car was moving slowly in Adliya, he seized the opportunity and jumped through the window and ran away,” one of the officers, who were escorting him said. 

The defendant is said to have disappeared for five weeks before he was busted in the area of Jurdab. 

He, however, was sentenced in absentia.