*** 57 Bahrain prisoners sentenced for jail mutiny | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

57 Bahrain prisoners sentenced for jail mutiny

A court in Bahrain on Monday added 15-year jail terms to the sentences of 57 inmates involved in a prison mutiny, a judicial source said.

The inmates were convicted of rioting and mutiny following unrest last March at Jaw prison south of the capital Manama, the source said.

The charges included "disobeying orders and forcing guards out of the prisoners'  buildings" and then "destroying furniture, air conditioners and security cameras", the source said.

Security forces finally stormed the buildings and clashed with the rioting prisoners, resulting in casualties among police and inmates, the source added.

Defendants were also fined a total of 508,187 dinars ($1.35 million) according to local media.  

It was not clear what caused the riot in Bahrain's largest prison.