*** PM visits Parliament, meets MPs | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

PM visits Parliament, meets MPs

Prime Minister HRH Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa has underlined the government’s keenness on enriching the existing fruitful and constructive cooperation between the Executive and Legislative branches to consolidate the real parliamentary practices and achieve the shared goals of ensuring the public interests of maintaining security and stability, as well as continuous development and progress in the kingdom.

HRH Premier affirmed the government’s serious desire to strengthen Executive-Legislature cooperation to ensure that all efforts are focused towards achieving top national interests as the best means to step up joint action and safeguard bilateral collaboration from fragmentation or confusion.

The Prime Minister lauded the awareness of the Council of Representatives and understanding of MPs of the new policies imposed by the economic developments and the challenges currently faced by all countries, including those of the region, because of the decline of oil prices in the global markets, and the political, security and military tensions and challenges in the region. He stressed that the real achievement is the implementation of the development projects that ensure the continuity of the development march and support efforts to fend off the economic and security threats. 

HRH Prince Khalifa made the statements while visiting the Council of Representatives, alongside a government delegation, to express appreciation of the role played by the council in backing the government’s policies aiming to ensure that the national action march continues and achieves its goals.

"I have come here to thank you for your keenness on serving the nation and value highly the civilisational and democratic atmosphere that prevailed during your discussion of the new policies imposed by the economic challenges, which proved the government-parliament shared goal to achieve national interests and ensure the prosperity of the people," he said while meeting Speaker Ahmed bin Ibrahim Al-Mulla and MPs, in the presence of the Shura Council Chairman Ali bin Saleh Al Saleh.

"As a government, what matters to us most is the Bahraini citizens, and the new policies to support the state budget was the only option available at the stage," he said, adding that the current phase is full of obstacles and difficulties that require "stronger cooperation between the government of the people and the council of the people to turn challenges into tools of achievement that ensure the continuity of the development march."

"Let us assume our responsibilities in light of the current difficult situation, and join ranks in order to overcome all obstacles together. Let’s rise up to the challenges and be meritorious of the trust bestowed upon us by HM the King and the confidence of our people in us," he told the audience.

HRH the Prime Minister stressed that maintaining the kingdom’s top interests should the ultimate goal, urging concerted efforts to ensure the success of the joint government-parliament efforts to develop the nation and its people, and bring about more national milestones during the coming phase of national action amid the existing desire by all parties to enhance mutual understanding and joint action and place national interests above all others in order to strengthen constructive cooperation and optimises national achievements.

Speaker of the Representatives Council affirmed that the Premier’s visit reflects his respect for the Council and keenness on informing them about the government’s new policies in line with the existing partnership between the two branches.

He praised HRH Premier’s understanding of the suggestions of MPs regarding the requirements of the current phase, and the need to overcome challenges.

Shura Council Chairman expressed sincere thanks and appreciation to HRH Premier for strengthening cooperation between the two branches, praising his crucial role in deepening the kingdom’s democratic experience.