*** Telecom company sued for issuing 64 SIM cards without subscriber's knowledge | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Telecom company sued for issuing 64 SIM cards without subscriber's knowledge

Bahrain's Court of Urgent Matters will hear the case of a Bahraini woman who discovered that 64 SIM cards have been issued under her name without her knowledge.

The plaintiff is suing a local telecommunication company that has issued the numbers.

Her lawyer Adel Al Matrook said that his client wants to know the status of the numbers, and requested the court to summon a telecommunications expert to review the records of the company and detect the identity of the employees who issued the numbers.

"She (the plaintiff) went to the telecommunication company to make a transaction, but was stunned to learn that there were 64 numbers registered under her name," Al Matrook said.

"She requested the company to provide her with information about these numbers, but no response was made. Thus, she decided to file a lawsuit since that if any of numbers have been misused, she will be legally responsible of the offence.

"My client also wants to find out who had applied for so many numbers and who are using them."

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