*** Bahrain's stance against terrorism highlighted | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain's stance against terrorism highlighted

Egypt's Awqaf Minister Dr. Juma Mohammed Mokhtar has praised Bahrain's clear stance against extremism and terrorism spreading across the Arab region, he told that to Bahrain News Agency (BNA) on the sidelines of the " Rights of Religious Minorities in Muslim Countries Conference" being held in Marrakesh, Morocco.

He also commended the solid Bahraini-Egyptian bilateral relations. 

He added that through the conference he would present two initiatives forwarded to the United Nations, the first one on criminalizing defamation of religions, respect for religions privacies and non-violation of holy sites. The second on citizenship based on equal rights and duties and establishment of a modern democratic state of law and institutions. 

He underlined the need to uproot terrorist groups who have been exploiting religion for political goals.

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