Inspiration Week kicks off
This one of its kind forum starts with a word about Inspiration Economy Forum & Purpose of Workshops –by Kamal Al-Shihabi (Forum Organiser) & Dr Mohamed Buheji (Int'l Institute of Inspiration Economy founder).
What is Inspiration? A challenging question would is asked by (Dr Bana BuZaboon – Clinical Psychologist and Inspirational Expert) in the kick off journey of this full week of activities, lectures, games and best practices.
The American expert Chet Sisk would take Dr Bana BuZaboon challenge to discuss about theCurrent Paradigm Shift & Emerging of new economy – and how inspiration would help new capacities that is needed today.
The forum focuses also on answering the type of organisational inspiration behind Jazeera Int'l Catering and their Journey of being a very small company to being a world class company by Loganathan Murthy. This would be followed by personal inspiration that would be discussed by Prof Ahmed Shorab, the professor of Intensive Care in Sharjah University College of Medicine where he covers (Inspiration of Reflective practice). The Healing from within is another personal inspiration subject that would be discussed by Dr Awatif Sharaf the Meditation Healing Expert.
Again in another attempt about addressing what is inspiration, Prof Valerij Dermol of the (International School for Social and Business Studies Slovenia) would discuss about the inspiration that occurs from the Entrepreneurial challenges in difficult times. Maha Al-Mandeel , a reeky expert would cover an Introduction to reality as a new Look. Then the official workshop day would conclude by Inspiration from Africa – Prof Mahmood Abdul Atti.
The day would be followed by best practice visits and different cultural networking and games.
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