*** Human Rights panel rejects European report | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Human Rights panel rejects European report

Fallacies mentioned in a recently issued report of the European Parliament will be discussed by the Bahraini MPs during their weekly meet on Tuesday.

Refuting the statements made by the European body yesterday, Human Rights Parliamentary Committee Chairman MP Nasser Al Qasseer remarked: “This is an interference in an independent judicial body’s decision and a blatant meddling in the domestic affairs of a sovereign and independent country.”

In a statement, the MP confirmed “the committee will present a detailed report that will discuss all the fallacies mentioned by the European Parliament before the House of Representatives on Tuesday.” Al Qasseer said he would request the council to issue an official statement on Tuesday, rejecting the European body’s resolution, and underlining the achievements and efforts of the Kingdom of Bahrain in the fields of human rights. 

The European Parliament called for the Bahraini Government in a resolution passed on Thursday to drop a death sentence that was issued against a terror suspect recently, claiming that “he confessed under torture.”

Al Qasseer said, “The suspect mentioned in the European Parliament resolution participated along with a terrorist group in detonating a bomb in front of a worship place that was guarded by security personnel. It resulted in the death of a policeman. He was sentenced to death by an independent judicial system and was provided with all of his rights without any violations.

“The torture claims mentioned by the European Parliament are baseless and the reports are politically driven,” he alleged.

He called upon the European Parliament to directly cooperate with the Bahraini Parliament and investigate such claims and accusations before adopting them.


Caption : Nasser Al Qasseer

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