*** Bahrain's religious figures discuss ‘end of the world’ | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain's religious figures discuss ‘end of the world’

Religious figures representing various communities and religions of Bahrain came together yesterday to discuss the “end of times” as taught in various scriptures.

They discussed how the religions perceived the concept of “end of times.” The conference was jointly organised by Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL) and Bahrain Association for Religious Coexistence and Tolerance on Bahrain Association for Religious Coexistence and Tolerance premises in Ras Rumman. 

“The first week of February was unanimously adopted as World Interfaith Harmony Week by the UN on October 20, 2010. In this week, all groups from different faiths participate in worldwide peace event, which is held from every corner of world to enhance mutual understanding, harmony and cooperation,” HWPL said in a statement yesterday.

“In Bahrain, religious leaders participated in WARP Office at Bahrain Association for Religious Coexistence & Tolerance office. They had a time to discuss and share their perspectives under the topic of “The end of the age” based on their religious scripture to find an answer for peace in religion,” the statement added. 

“The Jewish religion does not necessarily give any specific time for the end of the world. However, there are references to the end of times in the Jewish scriptures,” said Ebrahim Nonoo, who represented Bahrain’s Jewish community at the conference. 

“Everyone should understand each other’s religion in order to bring harmony,” he said, adding, “It is written in the Jewish scriptures that there will come a time when everyone will be united to follow the God in one religion.”  

“The religions have the same motives, such as to bring people together. It is when people do not understand their religion, that they begin to fight,” opined Chairman of Bahrain Association for Religious Coexistence and Tolerance Yousif Buzaboon.

Rev Dr. T.T. Zachariah talked about Christianity’s teachings about the end of times.  “Bible talks about the end of age in many passages in the old testament and new testament. In the Bible, Jesus spoke about his second coming and the end of the age. In Mark 13:24-27, it says there will be great suffering before the end of age,” he said. “Only father knows about the time of second coming of Jesus. So we must be ready at all times,” he added.

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