*** Shura dismisses EP statements | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Shura dismisses EP statements

The latest remarks made by the European Parliament (EP) about a recent judicial decision taken by a Bahraini court were rejected by both sides of the Kingdom’s legislative authority.

A few days after a resolution was passed by the EP on February 4, claiming that Bahrain sentenced a man to death after torturing him, the two poles of the legislative authority, the Council of Representatives and Shura Council, warned the European body of interfering into the domestic affairs of Bahrain.

After the Bahraini Parliament House said it will “discuss the fallacies in the EP report during their weekly meet tomorrow,” Shura Council issued an official statement during their weekly session yesterday, rejecting and condemning how “the EP is making blatant interference into Bahraini domestic affairs.”

Shura Council yesterday highlighted that the reforms achieved under the rule of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa were recognised by the entire international community. “How could the European community criticise an independent judicial decision, when harsher verdicts were made within the European Council to tackle terrorism,” said the council.

Additionally, the House of Representatives said that it would discuss the “fallacies mentioned in the report of the European Parliament, which will come under Bahraini MPs’ lens during their upcoming weekly meet on Tuesday.”

The EP criticised the death sentence slapped on a terror suspect who was apparently involved in the killing of a policeman.