*** Shura Council Member urges efforts to end Syrian crisis | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Shura Council Member urges efforts to end Syrian crisis

Syria is already bleeding and we don’t have the time  to just ‘wait and see’, Shura Council Member Bassam Albinmohamed warned.

He urged the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries to lead a coalition of the willing nations to put an end to the Islamic State (IS) and the Syrian crisis.

He was speaking to DT News in the aftermath of the reports that Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Turkey were ready to send ground troops to Syria under the US-led campaign against IS extremists.

However, Bahrain’s Ambassador to the United Kingdom Shaikh Fawaz bin Mohammed Al Khalifa has denied the reports by Reuters attributed to him.  And there is no official statement by the foreign office of Bahrain. 

Meanwhile, Albinmohamed said that not acting is not going to help solve the Syrian crisis, rather it would make the things worse. 

“It has now become a humanitarian issue. In the last five years, the Syrian regime has killed almost 250,000 people and displaced millions who fled to neighbouring countries,” he added.

He said the GCC should lead the coalition, instead of waiting for the US or any other powerful country.

He also said they need to force the United Nations and the international communities to enforce the Geneva agreement and other UN resolutions for Syria and Yemen.

Meanwhile, Albinmohamed warned that the security and sovereignty of the region were under threat.

 “We can’t just watch and do nothing about it,” he added.

He also said the things that were once predicted by the late Saudi King Abdullah are coming true.

Late King had once warned the international community and many of the region’s leaders that if the Syrian crisis was not solved, it would spill over not only to the region, but also to the rest of the world.  

“He had said it would also have serious consequences on the security of the world and that is exactly what the world is witnessing now,” he said.

He said that Daesh and Syrian regime of Bashar Al Assad had already done irreparable loss and the things would get worse if the world did not act.

“It is time for the whole world to decide whether they want to continue doing nothing other than giving statements or joining hands with those who are
determined to do something about it like Saudi Arabia and its coalition,” said Albinmohamed stressing the importance of a specific plan to act.

“The world powers should do something. Otherwise be ready to bear the consequences as the crisis is going to encircle the whole world,” he warned.

On the other hand, Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Al Moallem said any troops coming to their territory would “return home in wooden coffins.”