*** PM assures support to financial, banking sector | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

PM assures support to financial, banking sector

Prime Minister HRH Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa said that Kingdom’s success in attracting many international financial and banking institutions reflects global confidence in Bahrain’s investment atmosphere. “The investment milieu here is based on advanced and modern legislative and legal bases.”

 Citing the factors that enabled Bahrain to become a leading regional financial hub, Prince Khalifa emphasised the government’s constant keenness on supporting the financial and banking sector through providing the necessary facilities that enable it to operate within a free and open atmosphere.

HRH Premier was speaking in a meeting with former Egyptian Foreign Minister and former Arab League Secretary-General Amr Mouss, and the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Investcorp Bank Nemir Kirdar at Gudaibiya Palace yesterday. They are currently on a visit to the Kingdom to take part in a number of economic events.

HRH Premier also reiterated Bahrain’s unwavering efforts to develop the sector through regularly updating its laws and legislation so as to meet the requirements of every phase.

In the meeting, Amr Mouss and Nemir Kirdar lauded HRH Premier’s interest in the financial and banking sector, which, they asserted, helped Bahrain to become an outstanding financial and banking sector in the region.

They also valued highly the facilities provided by the government, led by HRH Premier, to banks which, they said, reflected his sound vision and recognition of banks’ key role in the development efforts witnessed by the Kingdom in various fields.