*** Bahrain Parliament turns Wrestling Ring!? | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain Parliament turns Wrestling Ring!?

The lawmaking dome in Bahrain is witnessing more fights lately, as two separate wrangles were reported among MPs yesterday, with one of them threatening to break a fellow MP’s teeth.

MP Anas Buhindi walked off yesterday’s session, as he claimed the council’s General Secretary Abdulla Al Dossary had insulted him recently.

Buhindi said the incident occurred during a committee meeting on Monday. 

This was revealed while the MP was attempting to voice out a complaint to the Council’s Speaker Ahmed Al Mulla.

Buhindi demanded Al Mulla to take action against Al Dossary, who was also present in the session. “It’s strange that the head of the council is lenient about a member being insulted,” Buhindi told.

Buhindi’s statements led to a heated discussion with the council’s speaker, ending in the former’s dramatic walkout of the council. This happened by the beginning of yesterday’s Parliament weekly meeting.

In a similar scenario, and by the end of the meeting, another argument erupted between MPs Ahmed Qarata and Abbas Al Madhi.

The disagreement came when Al Madhi was expressing his rejection to postponing the discussion of a proposal to sack 50pc of expats working in the government sector after their work contracts end.

Qarata apparently made a sarcastic comment about Al Madhi’s statements, sparking the latter’s anger.

The argument intensified, pushing other MPs to interfere to pull them away from each other, while the council’s speaker closed the session.

Qarata then threatened Al Madhi, who was on his way out of the council, that he “would break his teeth if didn’t apologise.”