*** Bahraini man wants to change gender to avenge wives | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahraini man wants to change gender to avenge wives

Bahraini man, who wanted to be recognised as a woman, has approached High Jaffari Sharia Court. The father of two children wants to change his gender to take revenge on his two wives. 

According to court files, the defendant’s wives poured boiling oil on his male organ after he evoked their jealousy by telling them that he was dating Filipino women. 

The incident caused permanent dysfunction to his male reproductive organ, and the two women began insisting on him divorcing them. But he instead filed a lawsuit in the High Jaffari Sharia Court, requesting to be recognised him
as a woman.  

“They weren’t paying good attention to my needs. So I thought of inducing their jealousy. I began telling them that I was transporting Filipino women in my car,” the man said in his lawsuit. 

“On the day of the incident, I told them that I had been going out with some of my girlfriends. When I returned I slept,” he added. 

His move proved very costly for himself, as the two women had earlier planned to spill hot oil on his male organ in retaliation of ‘cheating on them’. 

“I was shocked when I learned that I was sexually disabled. I went to Thailand for surgery. The surgeons there removed it,” he explained. “Then I thought of changing my gender for good.” 

The defendant had initially went to lawyer Fawzia Janahi, who is one of the most prominent local lawyers in providing legal support to people suffering from identity disorder. But she refused to render her services to him without a medical certificate. 

He told her that he wanted to become a woman to avenge his wives, a legal source said, adding on condition of anonymity.

“He disappeared for a while, and returned to Ms. Janahi’s office making the same request. But this time he was looking very different; long hair and wearing women’s attire,” the source stated. 

“She told him to bring a medical certificate proving that he was suffering from identity disorder or he should go to a local psychiatric hospital to undergo tests. He, however, went directly to file a lawsuit at the Sharia court,” he added.