*** ----> Prison torture: Verdict on Sept 2 | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Prison torture: Verdict on Sept 2

DT News Network



Court ruling will be heard on September 2 in the trial of five police officers implicated in torturing an inmate.

The accused, including a first lieutenant, were put on trial after the Public Prosecution held them guilty of beating a prisoner.

The latter is jailed in connection with a drug case, and prosecutors said the accused tortured their victim to make him confess of his crimes.

They reportedly fastened his hands with a makeshift rope and lifted him with a ladder barrier.

The Special Investigation Unit that launched an investigation tipped of the Public Prosecution after spotting severe wound marks all over the victim's body.


A forensic examination also confirmed the wounds were the result of torture.  The accused, however, earlier pleaded not guilty before the High Criminal Court.

 They have been accused of causing physical injuries and psychological trauma.  The accused also reportedly verbal insulted the victim during their assault on him.

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