Tri Bahrain founder Ghadeer Al Khenaizi thinks sustainability is the key to a better future



DT News Network



Ghadeer Al Khenaizi studied general engineering for a year before moving to University of Bahrain to study architecture. She is also an avid Arabic writer and expresses her thoughts through blog portal. But what makes her special is her deep-rooted love for nature, and passion to study topics of sustainability and waste reduction.

This zest for the conservation of nature was her prime motivation to launch an independent youth-run environmental initiative that promotes green lifestyle practices applying the 3R culture.

She has been earlier selected in 2013 as a delegate to present the gulf region in the field of sustainability in the American Middle East Network for Dialogue in Stanford (AMENDS), an annual summit that highlights civic engagement projects and aims to liaise NGOs, CSOs and social entrepreneurs from the US and MENA region to create tangible changes in society.


Tri Bahrain ascends


The AMENDS platform helped Ghadeer reach out for opportunities to work on her initiative Tri Bahrain.

The programme also gave her confidence to participate with her team in one of the most popular public events ‘Farmers Market’ last year. They also conducted workshops in several schools on 3R culture.

She also got involved with the Mawane initiative, an independent non-profit group that conducts thought-provoking exhibitions, talks and workshops along the Bahraini coastline.

In case you are wondering, the title Tri signifies the 3R principle: reduce, reuse and recycle, which is the basis of judicious consumption.

Tri Bahrain is a baby step in enhancing the sustainability of the Kingdom’s natural beauty by creating awareness and providing people with alternatives to correct their wasteful consumption styles.

Speaking to Ghadeer on the significance of Tri Bahrain, she said, “The initiative means a lot to me on a personal and professional level. Personally, I’ve always found pleasure in getting involved with volunteer work and I am outraged by plastic bags and paper cups being thoughtlessly thrown away after use.”

“On a professional level, architects have a big role in cutting energy consumption of buildings and spaces that they design, not to mention the certification of green building (example : LEED certification). I can't wait to start the real work!” she added.


Deep-rooted inspiration 

Growing up in a household that practiced moderation and saving energy, Ghadeer was deeply inspired by her father. 

She said, “My father is an urban planner and an architect. He designed our house 30 years ago put down a lot of thought into saving water and energy. He used isolating bricks that were not even regulated by the ministry of electricity! Growing up in this house and witnessing these techniques gave me the motivation to present sustainability in a modern and doable way.” 

Ghadeer is willing to push for these values and practices that keep her motivated. “I encourage youth to re-think how they buy, use and dispose items because every tiny individual change has a larger impact and a ripple effect,” she said.

Asking about Tri Bahrain’s progress and its objectives in the near future, Ghadeer stated, “We are currently focusing on building an awareness movement for students by offering free workshops and lectures in schools. Other plans include expanding our team and producing research papers that compliment efforts of governmental bodies and other green institutions.” 

She said they also plan to offer professional training for educators and passionate youths in moderate consumption and sustainability.

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