*** ----> Bahraini nabbed for pointing gun | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahraini nabbed for pointing gun

Manama : A  Bahraini man in his twenties tried to kill a fellow countryman, according to court files. The defendant is said to have pointed a gun at the man, after hitching a ride with him from Umm Al Hassam to Hamad Town. But the man managed to control him and unload the bullets from the gun. 

“He requested me to transport him in my car. I accepted, but as soon as we reached the village of Burri he took out a gun. But I held his hand and snatched the gun from him. Then I removed the bullets,” the victim said. 

Police officers arrived at the scene later and arrested the man, who was drunk. The defendant was also caught in possession of marijuana.