*** ----> Bahrain deports several Lebanese for Hezbollah links | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain deports several Lebanese for Hezbollah links

Manama : Bahrain’s Interior Ministry in a tweet said that several Lebanese residents were deported from Bahrain after it was found that they had links to or were supporters of Hezbollah. Earlier GCC Ministerial Council Session in Riyadh had expressed support for the decision taken by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to reconsider its relations with the Republic of Lebanon and to halt its aids, intended to arm the Lebanese army and internal security forces, calling on the Lebanese government to return Lebanon to its Arab environment and steer it away from the Hezbollah-fostered Iranian influences affirming, at the meantime, unflinching support for the brotherly Lebanese people and their right to live in a safe, stable and fully sovereign state.

The Kingdom of Bahrain has expressed full support for the decision made by the brotherly Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to totally evaluate its relations with the Republic of Lebanon,the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said recently. Bahrain affirms that the move is a result of Lebanon’s recurrent official positions that were totally against the Arab interests , in violation of the Arab consensus and not in consonance with the great support it is being offered by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) States. The Kingdom of Bahrain asserts that Saudi Arabia’s decision reflects its keenness on freeing the brotherly people of Lebanon from the confinement in which they are now under foreign sides’ dictations and hegemony of the terrorist group of Hezbollah which is monopolizing Lebanon’s official stances and steer them away from the interests of the Lebanese people and their genuine link to their Arab environment.

While the Kingdom of Bahrain values the Saudi decision and considers it a necessary step, it also looks forward to the Republic of Lebanon to reconsider its stances, deter the terrorist group of Hezbollah and halt its unacceptable practices in order to return once again to its Arab setting at a time the nation needs, more than ever before, to mobilize its efforts, unify its ranks and solidify the pan-Arab action. "This is also to make Lebanon cease being the nation’s weak point at this very difficult and delicate phase the region is going through, to help the Arab nation overcome the threats it is facing and to achieve security, peace and stability for its peoples on solid foundations," ministry said.

The number of Lebanese nationals who were expelled remains unclear. There are reportedly 750 Lebanese living in Bahrain, Lebanon’s Daily Star reported today. The announcement comes days after Arab League foreign ministers meeting in Cairo declared Hezbollah a “terrorist organization” for the second time since January, with the abstention of Lebanon and Iraq, and a reservation by Algeria. Lebanese Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil defended his decision to abstain from voting on the statement, explaining that it was not in line with terror classifications used by the United Nations and Arab treaties.