*** ----> MP calls for scaling down parliamentarians’ salaries | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

MP calls for scaling down parliamentarians’ salaries

Manama: A Bahraini MP has called for reducing the monthly allowances for parliamentarians (Council of Representatives and Shura Council members) from BD2000 to BD100, “considering the tough economic circumstances that the country is witnessing.”

This proposal comes as MP Isa Al Kooheji stressed that “it’s the responsibility of the representatives of the people of Bahrain to protect citizens’ financial rights, especially during the times of austerity, which reflect on citizens.”

“As representatives, we must take public interest into account. It’s the foundation of our work. We have to contribute in lessening the effects of austerity procedures on citizens’ livelihoods, even if our personal interests were affected,” said Al Kooheji.

“Our national parliamentary oath stresses on our loyalty to our homeland and King, respecting the constitution and the state’s laws, in addition to protecting the people’s freedoms, interests and funds and to perform our duties with utmost honesty and truthfulness,” Al Kooheji said in a request that was submitted to the council’s speaker’s office yesterday.

The MP’s request was to amend one article and cancel two more articles of the existing Decree-Law 15/2002 on the Shura and Representatives councils.

The proposal called for scrapping both articles 41 and 42 of the decree-law. Article 41 states that “chairpersons of both councils shall receive monthly stipends equivalent to the salary of a Minister,” while Article 42 stipulates that “Shura Council Vice Chairman and both Vice Speakers of the Council of Representatives shall receive a monthly allowance of BD2500.”

Al Kooheji’s proposal also calls for amending Article 40 of the decree-law, allocating a monthly allowance of BD100 for each member of both councils, instead of the current BD2000 that is mentioned in the decree.

“Being members in the Legislative Authority (Parliament and Shura Councils) is our duty towards our homeland and fellow citizens. It’s not to achieve material and financial gains. Considering the economic circumstances that the Kingdom is going through, we must, as representatives of the people of Bahrain, reduce the financial burdens on the state budget and protect the interests of citizens,” he added.